Looking to buy or sell a flat? Property developers and agents will now find it easier to book advertisements with a new Cats Classified mobile application.
The free PropAdbooker app lets advertisers book an SPH newspaper advertisement by submitting text and publication dates. -- ST PHOTO: CAROLINE CHIA SM
The free PropAdbooker app aims to make the process as hassle-free as possible.
Advertisers can simply select their desired Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) newspaper, type in their text, pick publication dates and click submit.
They will then get a call from Cats confirming their booking.
Advertisers who use the app between now and Jan 31 will also stand to win $100 CashCards in a weekly lucky draw.
Previously, advertisers could only place their ads through phone, text messaging, fax, the online website and e-mail.
SPH Classified advertisement sales director Angie Choong said that the move is all about providing "maximum convenience" for advertisers.
"The PropAdbooker mobile app is a welcome addition to the many avenues that our advertisers can use to book a property ad in SPH's publications," she said.
Advertisers now have even more flexibility to pick whichever mode of booking they are most comfortable with, she added.
Real estate agent Desmond Leow, 27, was quick on the draw, being one of the first few to post an ad using the app.
He said: "While e-mail is convenient to use, it's easier when you're in front of a computer. With an app it's straightforward and easy to use when I'm out."
The app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play.
This story was first published in The Straits Times on Thursday, January 3, 2013. Visit sph.straitstimes.com/archive/sunday/premium to read similar stories. Please note: You will not be able to access this section of The Straits Times website unless you are a subscriber. To subscribe to The Straits Times website, go to www.sphsubscription.com.sg/eshop.