If you find it a hassle to put on sunscreen, Lush has made it easier. Its new Sunblock Solid Sunscreen Wash SPF30 (photo 1, $30, from Lush stores) is not only a bar of soap, but also a sunblock. Take a third of the bar, soap up in the shower and rinse.
The product contains calamine lotion, which is rich in zinc oxide - a natural broad-spectrum sunscreen. A third of this bar soap will provide enough protection for your entire body. The bar also moisturises skin with chamomile blue oil, rose absolute and cocoa butter.
You will, however, have to top up the sunscreen when you perspire. If you hate sticky lotions, try the Lush Powdered Sunshine SPF 15 ($25). It is made from powdered calamine, corn flour, sesame oil, lemon oil, lime oil and patchouli oil. Smooth the powder onto skin and touch up once every two hours for optimal protection.
This article was first run in The Straits Times newspaper on October 10, 2014. For similar stories, go tosph.straitstimes.com/premium/singapore. You will not be able to access the Premium section of The Straits Times website unless you are already a subscriber.